Dear Madam
With ref to your telephone call, I submit herewith the following information
1.0 My website name is College of Astrology
2.0 This site is for astrology teachings
3.0 To earn I shall like to charge some money as and when someone wants to read it.
4.0 Each page may contain one lecture or study material. These may be 20 Pages
Read my book on astrology Astrology Lessons
5.0 There should be a place to mention my address or contact details
6.0 There should be a payment procedure so that customers can transfer money to my account and pay me by credit card or bank transfer. It should be in advance.
7.0 There should be a page for customers to inform his / her name date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, and Male or Female Name
7.1 On the same page there should be space where one can inform about education, year, date, and success or failure
7.2 There should be space Marital Status -- To inform that married or unmarried or living together or living away from each other
7.3 Financial Status Money earned / Cash in hand or lottery etc
7.4 Professional Status
7.5 Diseases
7.6 Accidents
7.7 Parents alive or died etc
7.8 Children / living together or living separately
8.0 Site should have Ganesha on the first page and it should be opening one by one
9.0 Place one photo on each page
Material is available at
1.0 Contact me and location on Google with phone number and Email
2.0 Pay me This site to be changed as mentioned above
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